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Marleen & the CX Season!

The changing of the seasons brings an end to the much-anticipated CX season and the bragging rights within the Marleen office. 

The local scene here in Christchurch, run by the team at Southern Cross CX (@southerncrossxc) is buzzing and has been steadily growing the past few years. They cater to all ages and abilities right through from kids on balance bikes to grandparents on Penny-farthings (this bit isn’t true but I’m sure there’s someone out there that’d give it a go). 

As with previous years, Marleen supports the event with a few spotties and we also had a crew from the office getting amongst the mud and elbows. There wasn’t a lot of silverware from the series but plenty of banter and smiles.

Check out a few of the images from the series this winter and if you haven’t managed to get along to your local CX event make sure to head down next season, you won’t regret it.